Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Social Refresh - Making Old Thoughts New Again.

Some may think I have forgotten about this blog. I have been neglecting it lately and the reasons are worthy of, well, a new blog post. In fact I have not stopped writing, in fact I have written more in the last few months than ever. Why is it not posted here? Well, long ago I started what eventually became a nearly a complete book manuscript. I toiled for a year working on it and was never completely satisfied with it.  I shelved it and went on with life. The 90% finished work sat on 3.5 inch diskettes in my safe for years. Recently, I decided to take a look at it after all these years. After I dug up a 3.5 in drive, I pulled up the old work and found it was still interesting to me. Perhaps even more interesting in the socially connected world we live in today than it was more than 10 years ago when I wrote it.

I'm not a writer. The artful use of the written word is often beyond me. If you read my blogs you know what I mean. RU kidding I cn brly write a 140 character #tweet :). So from a writing standpoint the work on the disks was terrible. But the message was better than I remembered, dated now, but good. It was good enough that I decided I wanted to bring it up to date.

What is it about? For now I'm keeping most of the details a secret. If you want a hint, a part of  it is about alternative project management and training styles. Some I witnessed in use at places I worked (good & bad), and some I developed myself (also good & bad) as an engineer, consultant & small business owner. But that's just a part of the story. I have always been interested in how people work together and what factors influence them. What methods work for which people? Why? How do seemingly ordinary people do extraordinary things? How do seemingly extraordinary technical people make a terrible mess out the basics of daily life?  Can you tailor a program to exploit the talents of individuals while maintaining the efficiency of the the project? I don't have all the answers to these questions. I simply wish to address them, share my own experiences and hopefully get some good feedback.

The thing I'm most excited about is the feedback I can receive via social media. When I originally started writing this over a decade ago I knew a couple of dozen folks in academia, a few dozen more in government work and aviation. I could pass it around and talk with them but they all came from roughly the same background as me. Today, I can interact with hundreds or even thousands of people from nearly every age, social category, education level, career field, and so on.  It's truly amazing!

I will be sharing some of the the newly updated chapters as I get them done. I'm still an awful writer but I have some professional help now. I'm putting together a new WordPress site for my consulting business that has a blog format. I will share most of my business, training and professional development work there. Then I can get this old blogger page back to fire trucks, airplanes, outdoor adventure & weather.


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